Great Sports, Great Kids

Great Sports, Great Kids

GRPS strives to develop exceptional, well-rounded student-athletes by fostering an athletics program that supports: academic achievement, overall improved school performance, athletic skill development, strengthened positive coach relationships and community service. The Great Sports, Great Kids youth sports program seeks volunteers to serve as coaches, game help, and other support for programming. Fourteen different sports are offered to students in grades 6-8 and four for elementary students.

The program is currently accepting volunteers for all elementary sports. Volunteers can be anyone who values a healthy community and are willing to do their part to create one. Volunteers are expected to teach and model healthy behaviors, represent a healthy community, supervise children, and establish a strong connection through the GRPS family of schools model.

GRPS does require a short application process to ensure the safety and well-being of all of our children.

Here's how YOU can make a difference!

  • $5/Month helps ensure the sustainability of essential sports.
  • $15/Month covers the cost of referees for 2 games or meets.
  • $25/Month provides safety equipment for one school.
  • $50/Month supports transportation for an Elementary School program.
  • $100/Month covers all athletic fees for 2 Middle School programs.
Advisory COmmittee

Art Gray, Chair

Michael Huff, Vice Chair

Anne Marie Carson

Kellie Dean

Kurt Johnson

Joel Kamstra

Ron Knaus

Greg Meyer

Walter Moore, Jr.

Ana Aleman-Putnam

Alexis Reame

Calli Schmid

Katelin Spielmaker

Misti Stanton

Amy Turner-Thole

Lynn Yardley

Jason Zylstra

Honorary Council

Mel Atkins, Sr.

Wayman Britt

Dave Custer

Doug & Maria DeVos

Steven Ford

Ty Hallock

David Harris

Shelley Irwin

Dave Mehney

Peter & Joan Secchia

Tim Selgo

The Hon. Sara Smolenski

Mickey Stanley

Mike VanGessel