Scholar Impact Blog

Marcus & Elizabeth (Danielski) Hoeksema – City High Middle School – Class of 1998

Marcus and I met in 1992. I remember seeing him for the first...

Xavier & Audrey (Johnson) Greenfield – City High School – Class of 2008

Xavier and I met in seventh grade at City Middle. We were seated...

Brian & Julie (Pyorala) Marks – Union and Hancock High School – Class of 1961 and 1969

We met in an Art Appreciation class at Grand Rapids Jr. College in...

Douglas & Charyl (Moss) Martinez – Central High School – Class of 1961 and 1962

Doug and I first saw each other outside the truant office In Central...

Kurt & Joie (Howland) Hauschild – Ottawa Hills High School – Class of 1995 and 1996

Kurt and Joie met in 1992 thru their friend, Karin DeHaan (Kohn). Joie...

Derek & Natalie (Selmon) James – Ottawa Hills High School – Class of 1998

Natalie and Derek met in 9th grade in Ms. Noah’s freshman honors English...